Monday, December 11, 2017

Antifreeze may contain nitrates and/or nitrates....but it's not on the label

well that is going to complicate toxicity cases!
dang....antifreeze can contain nitrates and nitrites, which are uber poisonous, but they often aren't disclosed on the

Saturday, July 23, 2011

rat dorsal ovariectomy, rabbit ear disease, rabbit myelography, suture choices, etc!

What a GREAT Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine this month! Many clinical techniques, surgeries, etc with step by step instructions and diagrams--these are techniques that haven't been previously described in such detail. This is an issue I will have on my shelf next to Quesenberry and Mader.

My favorites were:
-dorsal ovariectomy in rats
-surgical management of rabbit ear disease
-suture choices in exotic pets (although I haven't seen a suture reaction yet, and I've been using gut in all species of wildlife....eek!)
-myeleography in rabbits
-surgical management of adrenal disease and insulinomas in ferrets

Monday, May 2, 2011

Still no good surgical way to fix rabbit long bone fractures

Which is why hind limb fractures in wild rabbits (in rehabilitation) are euthanized=no hope of return to full function, which is what they need to escape predators. For companion rabbits, splinting or cage rest is attempted, but recovery results in limited or poor function (usually).

Comparison of Two Methods of Long Bone Fracture Repair in Rabbits
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, Vol 19, No 2 (April), 2010: pp 183–188

GDV: not just for dogs anymore!

This diagnostic challenge was about GDV in a guinea pig! Don't forget to position your radiographs appropriately so an abnormally placed stomach arouses suspicion....

Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, Vol 19, No 2 (April), 2010: pp 189 –191

Friday, April 29, 2011

Comparison of Treatment Protocols for Removing Metallic Foreign Objects From the Ventriculus of Budgerigars

A small metal sphere was placed in the crop, so it would be come "stuck" in the ventriculus. They administered various things to see which would help the sphere pass fastest (psyllium with grit, acidic drinking water, fine grit, coarse grit, cathartic emollients [peanut butter and mineral oil].

And guess what? Grit worked fastest.

(Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23(3):186–193, 200)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Use of a duodenal serosal patch in the repair of a colon rupture in a female Solomon Island eclectus parrot

Just like the title says. Sorta.

The rDVM relieved egg-binding by collapsing the egg, after which hemorrhage was noted from the vent. The rDVM then performed a ventral midline cloacotomy (they didn't mention a coeliotomy, so I assume they went in through the vent? but doesn't make sense with the rest of the on!) and sutured a tear in the cloaca.

blah blah bird doesn't get better blah blah

At referral, after medical treatment didn't work, they did perform a ventral midline coeliotomy and found one of the sutures from the cloaca repair to entrap a portion of the colon, causing GI obstruction. While cutting that suture off, the colon tore in 2 places. They repaired that with simple interrupted sutures and then sutured the serosa of the adjacent duodenum circumferentially over the colon repair.

voila! bird gets better. it's that simple...

HA! yeah, right.

(J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011;238:922–92)

Drug-resistant bacteria found in HALF of US meat

Just had to post this news article. I don't have to tell this crowd--part of the problem is how distant we are from the production of our food...