Monday, March 21, 2011

Tramadol 5mg/kg q1-2d or 10mg/kg q4d actually provides ANALGESIA to TURTLES!

(Baker, Sladky & Johnson; JAVMA, 2011, vol 238, no 2)

given 5-10 mg/kg PO to red-eared sliders actually increased the thermal withdrawl latency (the time it takes for an animal to remove it's limb from an area with increasing heat)==>we assume this to mean it provided analgesia! AND 5mg/kg did not depress respirations.

clinical points:
-5mg/kg should be dosed q1-2d and 10mg/kg should be dosed q4d
-mild respiratory depression could be seen at 10mg/kg so monitor if an aquatic turtle
-to give oral medications to turtles, use an appropriate size metal gavage needle to dispense the medication into the stomach while another holds the turtles head out (don't try with healthy snappers...obviously)
-takes 6 hours to be effective

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